Sometimes you find inner peace when you sit down and consider where you've been in life and where you are currently.
Sometimes you have to come to terms with your past to find inner peace.
Sometimes you have to confront childhood traumas, insecurities, fear, and doubts to find inner peace.
Sometimes you have to go to war with self to find inner peace.
Sometimes you have to forgive yourself for the things that were out of your control to find inner peace.
Sometimes you have to stop blaming yourself for things you did before you learned how to love yourself to find inner peace.
Sometimes you have to take ownership of the part you played in having no peace.
What you give your energy to grows.
It's important to protect your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical state to achieve inner peace and pay close attention to outside influences and behavioral patterns so you know who and what to keep and what to let go.
What you give energy to grows.
Take it to the throne of God to find peace.
Inner peace and blessings